ONE DAY IN MY LIFE.... I sometimesoccasionally enjoy quiet nights in and good night out , drinks with friends, eating out, walking, country pubs, visiting and new places of interest, th

Taylor13: the man...
Søger: Kvinde Alder 18 til 47
Status: 63 Skilt Lige Han
Interesseret i: Fast forhold
Etnicitet: Hvid/Kaukasiske
Levende: Lev af mig selv
Eye Catcher: Bryst
Højde: 5'7 tommer
Legeme: Atletisk og Muskuløs
Hår/Øjne: Brun, Blå
Røg: Ingen måde
Drikke: Kun socialt
Dyrke motion 2 gange om ugen
Politik: Ingen
Uddannelse: Bachelorgrad
Religion: Agnostic
Indkomst: $15,001 til $25,000
Beskæftigelse: MD
Afkom: Ingen
Personlighed: Eventyrlystne
Land: United Kingdom

ONE DAY IN MY LIFE.... I sometimesoccasionally enjoy quiet nights in and good night out , drinks with friends, eating out, walking, country pubs, visiting and new places of interest, the cinema and theater, I love dancing, live music and comedy.
